Bloggfęrslur mįnašarins, įgśst 2010
30.8.2010 | 18:44
Villur og umfjöllun um breytingar hjį IPCC
Ķ tilefni af fréttum um breytingar innan IPCC sem vęntanlega voru óumflżjanlegar og ešlilegar eftir žį gagnrżni (réttmęta jafnt sem óréttmęta) sem duniš hefur yfir nefndina er rétt aš endurbirta eftirfarandi af, žar sem nokkrir vķsindamenn ķ Bandarķkjunum skrifušu opiš bréf um störf IPCC. Okkur žykja umręddar villur hafa fengiš fullmikiš plįss ķ fréttinni į og žaš hefši aš ósekju mįtt ręša um breytingarnar sjįlfar meira. Viš munum vęntanlega skoša skżrslu og nišurstöšur fagrįšs vķsindamannanna meira į nęstunni, en žangaš til smį upprifjun ķ formi eftirfarandi:
Nokkrir vķsindamenn ķ Bandarķkjunum hafa tekiš sig saman og skrifaš opiš bréf um störf IPCC og villur žęr sem fundist hafa ķ fjóršu matsskżrslu IPCC um loftslagsmįl frį 2007.
Nś žegar hafa um 250 vķsindamenn skrifaš undir žetta bréf og enn er veriš aš safna undirskriftum. Til aš sjį allan lista undirskrifenda, vinsamlega skošiš žessa sķšu. Föstudaginn 12. mars var bréfiš afhent stjórnvöldum. Stór hluti žeirra sem skrifa undir bréfiš eru vķsindamenn sem rannsaka loftslagsbreytingar og vinna viš leišandi stofnanir og hįskóla ķ Bandarķkjunum. Žar er bęši aš finna höfunda efnis ķ skżrlsur IPCC og žį sem ekki hafa tekiš žįtt ķ žeirri vinnu. Til višbótar mį nefna undirskrifendur sem stunda rannsóknir į tengdum efnum, mį žar m.a. nefna į vķsindamenn į sviši ešlis-, lķf- og félagsfręša.
Viš hér į, ętlum aš birta bréfiš eins og žaš kemur frį höfundum, į ensku. Gjöriš svo vel.
Many in the popular press and other media, as well as some in the halls of Congress, are seizing on a few errors that have been found in the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in an attempt to discredit the entire report. None of the handful of mis-statements (out of hundreds and hundreds of unchallenged statements) remotely undermines the conclusion that warming of the climate system is unequivocal and that most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-twentieth century is very likely due to observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations. Despite its excellent performance for accurately reporting the state-of-the-science, we certainly acknowledge that the IPCC should become more forthcoming in openly acknowledging errors in a timely fashion, and continuing to improve its assessment procedures to further lower the already very low rate of error.
It is our intention in offering this open letter to bring the focus back to credible science, rather than invented hyperbole, so that it can bear on the policy debate in the United States and throughout the world. We first discuss some of the key messages from climate science and then elaborate on IPCC procedures, with particular attention to the quality-control mechanisms of the IPCC. Finally we offer some suggestions about what might be done next to improve IPCC practices and restore full trust in climate science.
The Climate Challenge
Our understanding of human contributions to climate change and the associated urgency for humans to respond has improved dramatically over the past two decades. Many of the major components of the climate system are now well understood, though there are still sources of significant uncertainty (like the processes that produce the observed rapid ice-sheet melting and/or collapse in the polar regions). It is now well established, for example, that atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases from human sources have increased rapidly since the Industrial Revolution. Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reduce the heat going out of the climate system, i.e., the radiation balance of the Earth and so first principles of physics tell us to expect, with a very high likelihood, that higher temperatures should have been observed.
Indeed, measurements of global average temperatures show an increase of about 0.6 degrees C over the twentieth century and about 0.8 degrees C warming since mid-19th century. The pattern of increase has not been smooth or monotonic. There have been several 10- to 15-year periods of stable or declining temperatures over the past 150 years, but 14 of the warmest 15 years on record have been experienced between 1995 and 2009. Since 1970, observational evidence from all continents and most oceans shows that many natural systems are already being affected by these temperature increases.
Because the long-term warming trends are highly significant relative to our estimates of the magnitude of natural variability, the current decadal period of stable global mean temperature does nothing to alter a fundamental conclusion from the AR4: warming has unequivocally been observed and documented. Moreover, well-understood lags in the responsiveness of the climate system to disturbances like greenhouse gas increases mean that the current temperature plateau will very likely not persist much longer. Global climate model projections show that present-day greenhouse gas concentrations have already committed the planet to about 0.5 degree C in warming over this century.
Increasing emissions of carbon dioxide from the consumption of coal, oil and natural gas as well as deforestation have been the major drivers of this observed warming. While we cannot predict the details of our climate future with a high degree of certainty, the majority of studies from a large number of research groups in the US and elsewhere project that unabated emissions could produce between 1 and 6 degrees C more warming through the year 2100.
Other research has identified multiple reasons to be concerned about climate change; these apply to the United States as well as globally. They include (1) risks to unique and threatened systems (including human communities), (2) risks from extreme events (like coastal storms, floods, droughts, heat waves, and wildfires), (3) economic damages (driven by, for example, pest infestations or inequities in the capacity to adapt), (4) risks from large-scale abrupt climate change (e.g., ice-sheet collapse, ocean circulation slowing, sharply increased methane emissions from permafrost) or abrupt impacts of more predictable climate change (generated by thresholds in the coping capacities of natural and human systems to climate variability), and (5) risks to national security (driven largely by extreme events across the world interacting with already-stressed situations).
These sources of risk and the potential for triggering temperature-driven impacts at lower thresholds, as well as the explicit recognition in the AR4 that risk is the product of likelihood and consequence, led the nations of the world to take note of the Copenhagen Accord last December. The Accord highlights 2 degrees C in warming as a target that might reduce the chance of dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system to more manageable levels. Research has shown that increasing the likelihood of achieving this goal over the next century is economically and technically feasible with emission reduction measures and changes in consumption patterns; but it will not be easy without major national and international actions to deviate substantially from the status quo.
The IPCC and the Fourth Assessment Report
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established the IPCC in 1988 to provide policy makers regularly with balanced assessments of the state of knowledge on climate change. In so doing, they created an open intergovernmental organization in which scientists, policy analysts, engineers, and resource managers from all over the world were asked to collaborate. At present, more than 150 countries including the United States participate in the IPCC. IPCC publishes an assessment report approximately every six years. The most recent Fourth Assessment, approved by member countries and released in 2007, contained three volumes: The Physical Science Basis (Working Group I); Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability (Working Group II) and Mitigation of Climate Change (Working Group III) and a Synthesis Report. More than 44 writing teams and 450 lead authors contributed to the Fourth Assessment authors who have been selected on the basis of their expertise in consultation with all member countries and who were assisted by another 800 scientists and analysts who served as contributing authors on specific topics. Authors donated their time gratis, and the entire process was supported by four Technical Support Units (TSUs) that employ 5 to 10 people each.
Errors in the Fourth Assessment Report
It was hard not to notice the extraordinary commotion that erupted around errors that were eventually found in the AR4. The wrong year for the projected disappearance of the Himalayan glaciers and the wrong percentage of land below sea level in the Netherlands are examples of errors that need to be acknowledged frankly and rectified promptly. In a few other cases, like the discussion of the correlations between crop yields, climate change, and climate variability in North Africa, caveats that were carefully crafted within the chapters were not included when language was shortened for the Synthesis Report. While striving to simplify technical details and summarize major points, some important qualifications were left behind. These errors of omission in the summary process should also be recognized and corrected. Other claims, like the one reported at the end of February suggesting that the AR4 did not mention the millions of more people who will see increases in water availability that were reported in the cited literature along with the millions of more people who will be at risk of water shortage, are simply not true. In any case, it is essential to emphasize that none of these interventions alter the key finding from the AR4 that human beings are very likely changing the climate, with far-reaching impacts in the long run.
The heated debates that have emerged around these instances have even led some to question the quality and integrity of the IPCC. Recent events have made it clear that the quality control procedures of the IPCC are not watertight, but claims of widespread and deliberate manipulation of scientific data and fundamental conclusions in the AR4 are not supported by the facts. We also strongly contest the impression that the main conclusions of the report are based on dubious sources. The reference list of the AR4 contains about 18,000 citations, the vast majority of which were published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The IPCC also has transparent procedures for using published but not peer-reviewed sources in their reports. These procedures were not properly followed in the isolated Himalaya case, but that statement was never elevated into the Summary for Policymakers of either Working Group II or the Synthesis Report documents that were approved unanimously and word for word by all member nations.
Nonetheless, failsafe compliance with these procedures requires extra attention in the writing of the next round of assessments. We propose implementing a topic-based cross-chapter review process by which experts in an impact area of climate change, such as changes in water resources, scrutinize the assessment of related vulnerability, risk analyses, and adaptation strategies that work downstream from such changes. Here we mean, to continue the example, assessments of possible increases in flooding damage in river basins and the potential for wetlands to provide buffers in the sectoral and regional chapters. This would be most productively implemented just before the first-order draft, so that chapter authors can be alerted to potential problems before the major review step.
Quality Control within the IPCC and US Review
The impression that the IPCC does not have a proper quality-control procedure is deeply mistaken. The procedure for compiling reports and assuring its quality control is governed by well-documented principles that are reviewed regularly and amended as appropriate. Even now, every step in the preparation of every chapter can be traced on a website: First Order Drafts (with comments by many scientists as well as author responses to those comments),Second Order Drafts in which those comments are incorporated (and comments by experts and country representatives on revised versions as well as another round of author responses), and so on, up through the final, plenary-approved versions.
To be clear, 2,500 reviewers together provided about 90,000 comments on the 44 chapters for the AR4. Each comment is documented on a website that also describes how and why the comment was or was not incorporated in the next revision. Review editors for each chapter worked with the authors to guarantee that each comment was treated properly and honestly in the revision; in fact, no chapter can ever move forward for publication without the approval of its set of two or three review editors.
The US Government opened its reviews of the draft IPCC report to any US expert who wanted to review it. In order to protect against having this preliminary pre-reviewed draft leaked before its ultimate approval by the IPCC Plenary, the US Government asked all potential reviewers to agree not to disclose the contents of the draft. For each report, the US Government assembled its own independent panel of government experts to vet the comments before submission to the IPCC. Anything with scientific merit was forwarded. There were multiple rounds for each of the Working Group reports and the Synthesis Report, and opportunities for US experts to review the drafts were posted as Federal Register notices.
IPCC principles also govern how authors treat published but non-peer reviewed sources. These procedures acknowledge that peer-reviewed scientific journals contain little information about on-the-ground implementation of adaptation or mitigation matters such as the emission reduction potential in a given industrial sector or country, for example, or catalogues of the specific vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies of sectors and regions with regard to climate change. This information is frequently only available in reports from research institutes, reports of workshops and conferences, or in publications from industries or other non-governmental organizations. This is the so-called gray literature. The IPCC procedure prescribes that authors are obliged to assess critically any graysource that they wish to include. The quality and validity of a finding from a non-peer reviewed source needs to be verified before its finding may be included in a chapter text. Each source needs to be completely traceable; and in cases where gray sources are used, a copy must be deposited at the IPCC Secretariat to guarantee that it is available upon request for third parties.
We conclude that the IPCC procedures are transparent and thorough, even though they are not infallible. Nonetheless, we are confident that no single scholar or small group of scholars can manipulate the process to include or to exclude a specific line of research; authors of that research can (and are fully encouraged to) participate in the review process. Moreover, the work of every scientist, regardless of whether it supports or rejects the premise of human-induced climate change, is subject to inclusion in the reports. The work is included or rejected for consideration based on its scientific merit.
It is important to note that we are not addressing here the criteria and procedures by which the IPCC selects chairs and authors. These are handled exclusively by the IPCC and its members according to terms of reference that were initially defined in the authorizing language of 1988. That is to say, governments or their appointees frame and implement these policies; and they create, approve and staff Technical Support Units for each working group. We do not make suggestions on these topics since they lie beyond our purview.
What comes next?
We expect that the robust findings of the AR4 will be continue to be supported by new information gleaned from literature published since 2006 i.e., that the climate change issue is serious and real. Given these findings, we believe that the climate change issue deserves the urgent and non-partisan consideration of the countrys legislative and administrative leaders. We feel strongly that exaggerated focus on a few errors from 2007 cannot be allowed to detract from open and honest deliberations about how to respond to climate risk by reducing emissions and promoting adaptation at home and abroad.
As the process of producing the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) begins, the IPCC should become more responsive in acknowledging errors rapidly and openly as they become known. To this end, we urge the IPCC to put an erratum on its website that rectifies all errors that have been discovered in the text after publication. In doing so, a clear distinction needs to be made between errors and progressing knowledge. IPCC assessments are detailed snapshots of the state of scientific knowledge at a given time, while knowledge evolves continuously through ongoing research and experience; it is the errors in the assessments that need immediate attention. In contrast, progressing knowledge is published in new scientific journal articles and reports; this information should be used as a basis for the AR5, but it cannot be listed as errata for the AR4 because it was not available when that assessment was conducted. The website should, as well, respond rapidly and openly when reports of errors in past assessments are themselves in error. We cannot let misperceptions fester anymore than errors go uncorrected.
Climate research and the IPCC reports on the state of knowledge provide a scientific foundation for climate policy making, whose agenda is defined by the governments of the IPCC and not the lead authors per se. The quality of and the balance in the knowledge delivered by any assessment is certainly essential, as is clear and explicit communication of associated uncertainties. Given the recent political and media commotion surrounding a few clear errors, it is now equally essential that we find ways to restore full trust in the integrity of the overwhelming majority of the climate change research and policy communities. To that end, we are pleased that an independent critical evaluation of IPCC procedures will be conducted; we hope that the process will solicit participation by the National Academies of the member nations.
The significance of IPCC errors has been greatly exaggerated by many sensationalist accounts, but that is no reason to avoid implementing procedures to make the assessment process even better. The public has a right to know the risks of climate change as scientists currently understand them. We are dedicated to working with our colleagues and government in furthering that task.
March 10, 2010
Gary W. Yohe Wesleyan University and Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Stephen H. Schneider Stanford University
Cynthia Rosenzweig NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Columbia University
William E. Easterling Pennsylvania State University
For a full list of signers please visit this page.
Tengt efni į
- Leišari ķ The New York Times
- Vķsindamenn hreinsašir af įsökunum um óheišarlega mešferš gagna
- Sakir bornar af Phil Jones
- Michael Mann sżknašur af vķsindalegum misgjöršum
- Aš stela bķl og nota fyrir sjónvarp
- Hakkarar afrita tölvupósta og skjöl
- Samhengi hlutanna
- Rannsókn į svoköllušu Climategatemįli
- Tag Climategate
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Loftslagsnefndin verši stokkuš upp |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
29.8.2010 | 20:38
Jöršin er kolefnissvelt - Umfjöllun um mżtu
Ķ nżju myndbandi į frį Greenman3610 (Peter Sinclair) er m.a. fjallaš um žį mżtu aš žaš hafi įšur veriš mikiš CO2 ķ andrśmsloftinu (sem er rétt) og ž.a.l. skipti magn CO2 ķ dag ekki svo miklu mįli heldur (sjį m.a. mżtuna Styrkur CO2 var hęrri til forna). Ķ myndbandinu bregšur vķsindamanninum Dr. Richard Alley fyrir nokkrum sinnum og eru flest žau klipp frį fyrirlestri hans, CO2 įhrifamesti stjórntakkinn (sem viš į męlum eindregiš meš). Aš mestu leiti nįlgast Greenman efniš śt frį žessari mżtu um aš meira CO2 sé bara betra og aš venju bregšur fyrir kaldhęšni ķ efnistökum hjį honum. Ķ lżsingu sinni į myndbandinu segir hann:
Saga Jaršar er stórbrotin og fjölbreytt, og žaš er aušvelt aš verša ringlašur og bjaga hana meš žvķ aš blanda saman hlutum sem ekki eiga saman ķ raunveruleikanum.
Žaš sem var nįttśrulegt ķ fjarlęgri fortķš passar ekki endilega vel saman meš veröld manna. Aš lįta nśtķma manneskjur og loftslag fornaldar mętast gęti leitt til įrekstrar.
Myndbandiš er hęgt aš sjį į, Jöršin er kolefnissvelt - Umfjöllun um mżtu
Tengt efni į
- Fyrirlestur Richard Alley CO2 įhrifamesti stjórntakkinn
- Mżta - Styrkur CO2 var hęrri til forna
- Mżta Aukning CO2 ķ andrśmsloftinu er góš
- Mżta CO2 er ekki mengun
- 10 vķsar um žįtt manna ķ hnattręnni hlżnun
26.8.2010 | 22:45
Siglingaleišir og śtbreišsla hafķss
Žaš bendir żmislegt til aš bęši noršaustur- og noršvesturleišin verši oftar opnar ķ framtķšinni. Viš meiri hlżnun mį gera rįš fyrir minna af hafķs į noršuslóšum og žar meš opnari siglingaleišir į žeim slóšum, allavega ķ einhvern tķma yfir sumartķmann. Ķ nżlegum gestapistli į veltir Emil H. Valgeirsson fyrir sér opnun siglingaleiša į noršurslóšum, žar skrifar hann m.a. eftirfarandi:
Žótt deila megi um įgęti žess aš heimskautaķsinn brįšni mikiš, žį horfa żmsir vonaraugum til Noršvesturleišarinnar ķ sambandi viš skipaferšir. Sjįlfsagt er žó langt ķ aš slķkar siglingar verši almennar nema ķ mjög takmarkašan tķma į įri. Noršausturleišin sem liggur noršur fyrir Sķberķu er hinsvegar mun oftar ašgengileg stórskipum, ķsinn er samt óśtreiknanlegur og sem dęmi um žaš žį opnašist Noršausturleišin ekki įriš 2007 žrįtt fyrir metbrįšnun.
Sjį nįnar gestapistil eftir Emil H. Valgeirsson į, Ķshafsbrįšnun og siglingaleišir.
Ķ annarri fęrslu į komum viš inn į hafķsśtbreišslu ķ sumar, nįnar tiltekiš ķ jślķ, žar kemur eftirfarandi fram:
Śtbreišsla hafķss ķ jślķmįnuši var sś nęst minnsta fyrir mįnušinn sķšan gervihnattamęlingar hófust, frį 1979 til 2010. Ķ jślķ hęgši į brįšnun hafķss (mišaš viš jśnķ og maķ), en nś er eldri ķsinn sem endaši ķ Beaufort hafinu fyrr ķ vetur byrjašur aš brįšna.
Sjį nįnar į, Hafķs | Jślķ 2010.
Tengt efni į
- Sķšbśiš vetrarhįmark hafķssins į noršurhveli
- Tag Hafķs
- Spįr um lįgmarksśtbreišslu hafķss ķ įr
- Ķshafsbrįšnun og siglingaleišir
- Helstu sönnunargögn
- NASA | Heitasta 12 mįnaša tķmabiliš
- Hitastig įriš 2009
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Danir sigla noršausturleiš |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:26 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
26.8.2010 | 08:52
Gleymiš öllu um hybrid, rafmagn eša bķla knśna öšrum višlķka orkugjöfum, nś er žaš bara spurning um aš nota vöšvaafliš.
Ašal hugarfóstur bandarķska verkfręšingsins Charles Greenwood er bķll sem knśšur er meš allt aš fjórum handföngum. Hugmyndin er aš bķlstjóri og faržegar togi og żti į einhverskonar vogarstangir, sem minna į handföng į ęfinga kappróšrartęki eša handknśna lestarśtbśnašinn sem mašur sér oft ķ teiknimyndum žar sem hjólin eru knśin įfram meš handafli. Ķ fyrstu fréttum af žessum bķl var sagt frį žvķ aš žaš vęru holur ķ gólfinu eins og ķ Flint Stones, en žaš er vķst ekki alveg rétt.
Hęgt er aš knżja bķlinn įfram af ašeins einum eša tveimur persónum, en žaš getur vęntanlega oršiš žreytandi į lengri vegalengdum. Ķ framtķšinni veršur einnig hęgt aš breyta bķlnum ķ hybrid meš žvķ aš tengja auka orkukerfi eins og rafmagn (eša jafnvel annarskonar eldsneyti žegar fram lķša stundir) sem gerir bķlinn upplagšan fyrir žį sem vilja feršast yfir lengri vegalengdir eša verša bara žreyttir. Hvort žessi hönnun eigi eftir aš slį ķ gegn mešal almennings er enn į huldu, en sjón er sögu rķkari, ķ myndbandi sem hęgt er aš sjį į, mį sjį gripinn ķ notkun, sjį HumanCar.
Tengdar fęrslur į
25.8.2010 | 09:17
Brįšnun jökla
Flestir jöklar hopa nś um stundir vegna hlżnunar jaršar. Žeir jöklar sem ekki eru aš hopa eru vandfundnir, žó žeir séu til. Ķ gestapistli į ręšir Tómas Jóhannesson um brįšnun jökla og hękkun sjįvarboršs, žar segir hann m.a.:
Hlżnunar af mannavöldum gętir nś vķša um heim og vekja afleišingar hennar sķfellt meiri athygli almennings og fjölmišla. Sumar afleišingarnar mį segja aš séu ķ stórum drįttum eins og bśast mįtti viš į grundvelli fyrirliggjandi vķsindarannsókna en ašrar hafa komiš į óvart. Žar er um žaš aš ręša aš vķsindamenn uppgötva fyrst meš męlingum aš veigamikil įhrif vaxandi styrks koldķoxķšs eša hlżnunar eru žegar komin fram įn žess aš spįš hafi veriš fyrir um žessi įhrif. Žar mį segja aš jöklar hafi leynt į sér vegna žess aš tvęr af žremur óvęntustu uppgötvunum af žessum toga į sķšustu įrum hafa veriš tengdar jöklabreytingum.
Sjį nįnar į ķ gestapistIi eftir Tómas Jóhannesson, Jöklabreytingar og hękkun sjįvarboršs heimshafanna.
Tengt efni į
- Ted | Myndskeiš af hreyfingu jökla
- Samhengi hlutanna Ķstap Gręnlandsjökuls
- Helstu sönnunargögn
- NASA | Heitasta 12 mįnaša tķmabiliš
- Tag Jöklar
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Jöklarnir skreppa saman |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt s.d. kl. 10:13 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
24.8.2010 | 09:18
Takmarkanir į śtbreišslu hafķss aš vetrarlagi
Žeir sem hafa fylgst meš žróun hafķsśtbreišslu į Noršurskautinu hafa ugglaust tekiš eftir žvķ aš grafiš fyrir śtbreišsluna yfir allt įriš er ósamhverft, sjį mynd 1.
Ef žetta graf er skošaš vandlega er hęgt aš greina aš žegar hafķsśtbreišslan er mest žį er toppurinn flatari heldur en žegar śtbreišslan er minnst (ž.e. dalurinn nęr yfir styttri tķma en toppurinn). Žaš er einnig hęgt aš sjį ašra hliš į žessu ķ öšrum gögnum, til aš mynda ķ žvķ aš hįmarks hafķsśtbreišslan hefur dregist hlutfallslega minna saman en lįgmarks hafķsśtbreišslan, sjį myndir 2 og 3.

Mynd 2: Leitni hafķsśtbreišslu viš lįgmarkiš ķ september. Hafķsśtbreišslan minnkar um 11,2% į įratug fyrir september. - NOAA
Žessi munur į hegšun hafķssins eftir įrstķma varš til žess aš vķsindamašurinn Ian Eisenman fór aš velta žessu nįnar fyrir sér. Žaš er forvitnilegt aš velta fyrir sér hvaš hugsanlega getur valdiš žessum mun og mį lesa nįnar um rannsóknir Eisenman į, Takmarkanir į śtbreišslu hafķss aš vetrarlagi
Tengt efni į
23.8.2010 | 12:10
Réttmęt spurning
Žaš er įnęgjulegt aš sjį aš žaš er tekiš vištal viš okkar helsta sérfręšing varšandi žessi mįl, hann Halldór Björnsson. Žetta er spurning sem er réttmęt žar sem öfgar hafa veriš nokkuš algengir žetta sumariš um heim allan, en eins og Halldór segir, žį getur tekiš nokkurn tķma aš yfirfara gögn varšandi žetta.
Į höfum viš mešal annars velt vöngum yfir hitabylgjunni ķ Rśsslandi, ķ žeirri fęrslu segir m.a.:
Loftslagsvķsindamenn eru almennt séš frekar varkįrir ķ yfirlżsingum sķnum, žó fjölmišlar eigi žaš til aš blįsa slķkt upp. Žvķ heyrir mašur oft hjį žeim, aš ekki sé hęgt aš tengja einstaka atburši sem žessa viš hnattręna hlżnun, žótt keyrslur loftslagslķkana hafi einmitt bent į aš slķkir atburšir verši sterkari viš aukiš hnattręnt hitastig. Tölfręšilega hefur reynst erfitt aš henda reišur į žaš hvort hér sé um aš ręša beina afleišingu hnattręnnar hlżnunar til žess er nįttśrulegur breytileiki of mikill.
Nįnar er hęgt aš lesa um žetta į, Er aš verša hnattręn vešurfarsbreyting?
Tengt efni į
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Tilviljun eša merki loftslagsbreytinga? |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt s.d. kl. 13:39 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
23.8.2010 | 08:43
Minni framleišni gróšurs viš hęrra hitastig
Żmsir erlendir mišlar hafa birt fréttir af nżrri rannsókn, sem kom ķ tķmaritinu Science, ķ sķšustu viku. Ķ nišurstöšum rannsóknarinnar kemur m.a. fram aš gervihnattamęlingar benda til breytinga ķ framleišni gróšurs ķ heiminum į sķšasta įratug, ķ samanburši viš tvo sķšust įratugi žar į undan.
Nįnar mį lesa um žetta į, žar sem einnig mį sjį stutt myndband frį NASAexplorer sem fjallar um žetta mįl, sjį NASA | Minni framleišni gróšurs viš hęrra hitastig
Tengt efni į
- NASA | Hin óvenjulega plįneta
- NASA | Heitasta 12 mįnaša tķmabiliš
- NASA | Stórtölvutękni og loftslagslķkön
- NASA | Augu Hnatt Hauksins fyrir Vķsindin
- Tölvubśnašur NASA
- Aš męla hita jaršar
22.8.2010 | 11:50
Sólarorka | Heliotrope hśsiš
Žżski arkitektinn Rolf Disch hefur hannaš sólarorkuheimili, sem nżtir ekki bara orkuna mjög vel, heldur framleišir lķka meiri orku en žaš notar. Hśsiš hefur fengiš nafniš Heliotrope og žaš snżst um sjįlft sig ķ takt viš gang sólar į himninum og nęr žannig aš virkja eins mikiš af sólarorku og mögulegt er.
Nįnar mį lesa um žetta į, žar sem m.a. eru myndir af hśsinu, sjį Sólarorka | Heliotrope hśsiš
Tengdar fęrslur į
- Vindorka | Nż tękni Vindstilkar
- Stęrsta sjįvarfalla raforkuver heims
- Lķftękniišnašur gęti stušlaš aš minni losun CO2
- Rafmagnsbķlar
- Skógrękt į Noršurhjara
21.8.2010 | 12:37
Stęrsta sjįvarfallatśrbķna heims
Fyrirtękiš Atlantis Aušlindir ķ Skotlandi hefur svipt hulunni af stęrstu sjįvarfallatśrbķnu heims, 73 feta (22,25 m) hį, 1.300 tonn og meš blöš sem eru 60 fet (um 18 m). AK-1000, eins og smķšin er kölluš, er meš tvo rafala sem eru hannašir til aš virkja bęši sjįvarföll flóšs og fjöru. Raforkan sem veršur til getur mögulega framleitt nęga orku fyrir um 1.000 heimili.
Nįnar mį lesa um žetta į, žar sem m.a. er mynd af ferlķkinu, sjį Stęrsta sjįvarfallatśrbķna heims.
Tengdar fęrslur į
Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt 22.8.2010 kl. 10:20 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)